First Bits and Bytes Volume 1, Issue 3

I hope you have enjoyed the first two issues of or First Bits and Bytes from First Presbyterian Church. We are printing this issue for our First Presbyterian Preschool families. We consider you part of the First families and want you to have access to this newsletter.  If you would like to receive this newsletter about twice a month to let you know what is happening at our church for our children and families, please let us know.  You can email Renda Brinson, Director of Christian Education  ( or let Randi  know and she will pass along.   Be sure to note the dates of our Vacation Bible School.  All Preschool families are invited and encouraged to participate in any of our Church events.  

Rain, Rain Go Away

It’s raining, it’s pouring, the old man is snoring…”


“Don’t rain on my parade…”


“Rain, rain go away, come again another day…”


“Singing in the rain…”


“Raindrops keep fallin’ on my head……Cause I’m never gonna stop the rain by complainin'”


All these songs have been running through my mind the last few weeks as the rain has continued to fall. Remember the story of Elijah? There had been a drought in Israel for years and then Elijah begins to pray for rain (1 Kings 18).  After his prayer, a small cloud began to form, and as his prayer continued, it grew darker.


“… And it came to pass in the meanwhile, that the heaven was black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain. …” 1Kings 18:45 


After the years of drought, the Israelites were so glad to have rain begin to fall. It is hard to imagine years without rain.  After years of dry, lost crops, and deep concern, God rain down his blessings on the people.


As much as the rain grows tiresome, I would rather have it than years of drought.  The constant gray seems to bring our spirits down.  We are people of light.  We have to work harder to keep our outlook bright. We need to try go but on a happy face, raise our umbrellas and sing in the rain.  After all, the ‘sun will come out tomorrow’ or maybe by Monday, two weeks from now…

Book Stack: “Discover God’s Creation”

Many of us have been reading ‘The Berenstain Bears for years to our children and grandchildren. The series was first introduced by Stan and Jan Berenstain in 1962.  Their son Mike grew up watching his parents bring the lives of the residents of Bear Country to life. Stan died in 2005 and Jan in 2012. Mike has picked up the family tradition.  He has added a special touch to many of his writings, sharing about faith within the pages of the books. 


Today’s book is one of three books from this “Living Lights” series.  The three stories can actually be purchased in a special three-in-one volume.  Be sure to look at these wonderful books when you have the opportunity.  They are a treasure to read to your children and their children.


The first book is ‘The Berenstain Bears Discover God’s Creation’.  Mama Bear decides that her young cubs are spending too much time in front of the TV (Imagine that!).  In the story you can easily include video games, iPads, etc. to the list of things to mention.  Left without their favorite form of entertainment, the cubs find themselves outside in God’s creation. The remainder of the book shares what they discovered when the TV remote was commandeered by their mother.



  • How much time do you spend indoors with video games, television and other electronic entertainment?
  • How much time to you spend in God’s Creation?
  • What happened to the cubs when they had the TV remote taken away from them?
  • At the end of the story, do you think they were glad they were forced into the outdoors?
  • Try spending a small portion of your electronic time with outdoor time?  How did you feel?

Vacation Bible School

Save the Dates!  June 17- 21, 2019

With the children leading worship on Sunday, June 23, 2019 at the 11:00 Worship Service.

Registration begins soon for both students and our wonderful volunteers.


FPC will be attending the session on June 30th through July 3rd at Montreat!! We  have reserved 10 camper spots and need to verify who will be attending (and adjust our numbers if necessary). 


Thanks to help from the Martha Richardson Fund and from the Christian Education Committee budget, we are estimating a cost of $55 per camper. (The CE budget is not finalized, so this is an estimate, but a failry reliable one - noramlly the cost for this camp is $325 per camper).  Other expenses will include a meal to and from camp, spending money at the campstore, and a mission offering collected on the last night of camp. 


No money is due now!!


If your child/grandchild would like to attend PassportKids!, we are asking that you take about 5 minutes to fill out this form asking for your campers name, grade and age and some parent contact information for future information about camp and while at camp. The FORM needs to be completed by Friday, January 25th. If you know for certain, your camper cannot attend, please email me directly ( 


The following names are the campers we have reserved a spot for - please let me know if I've forgotten anyone


Abby Isaacs

Caroline Stone

Emma Payne

Sloane Payne

Stella Payne

Cheyenne Highnote

John Sands

Eli Cole

Bently Sorrell

Brayden Morrow

Sunday School –

Elementary School will continue their study of the Old Testament Patriarch, Joseph.  This man of God has many valuable lessons for children and adults.  Consider reading the story with your children over the next few weeks.  This series will continue through Sunday, February 24, 2019.  Joseph’s story is in Genesis 36-37, 39-50.  It is a story of courage, disappointment, trials and blessings – as all of our lives are today.


Our Preschool Children will continue to hear wonderful stories of Jesus’ ministry, leading toward the season of Lent.


Please remember to complete a student information form on all your children from birth to 18 years old to help us in making sure our information in the office is correct and the information is  up-to- date on  any allergies, etc.  Thank you for your help with this project.  You may leave them in the Church Office or even slip them under Renda Brinson’s Office door.  We hope to have all this information gathered in the coming weeks.